Last day to register is January 19, 2025.
Last day to submit documentation is January 26, 2025.
After a team is registered, an email will be provided to your club to upload team documents. Each club will have their own folder to drop documents into. Please adhere to the file naming instructions below. You can find your number and paperwork status on this page:
After a team is registered, an email will be provided to your club to upload team documents. Each club will have their own folder to drop documents into. Please adhere to the file naming instructions below. You can find your teamID and paperwork status on the documentation status page.
When submitting your paperwork please follow these couple of items to help us out in our review process. Online checkin of documentation is due 1/26/25.
- Upload only two PDF files in total that are required (*). This truly is for the sake of how many items have to be reviewed and speeds the process. Files will be rejected if not submitted as requested and asked to be resubmitted. Use your teamID when name files as indicated below.
- Roster* with all players and coaches listed (ex. 93892 Roster.pdf)
- Player cards (required if photographs are not on roster, submit in the order names are listed on the roster) (ex. 93892 Cards.pdf)
- Medical Release Forms are not required but must be on hand at the tournament if requested
- Travel Permit and Guest Player Permits are available to upload if it applies to your team. (ex. 93892 Travel Permit.pdf or (ex. 93892 Guest Permit.pdf))
- Order all items in the order of your roster to avoid rejection of the file and having to resubmit.
We look forward to seeing you in February!
If you need assistance, please email
Updated: 11/21/24